Bank Muamalat Indonesia (BMI) was the first commercial bank in Indonesia to implement Islamic Sharia principles in running the operation. Founded in 1991, initiated by the Indonesian Council of Ulamas (MUI) and the Government of Indonesia. Began operation in 1992, supported by Muslim scholars and businessmen, as well as public. In the year 1994, BMI has started to provide foreign exchange service. Funding products using the principle of Wadiah (deposit) and Mudharabah (profit-sharing). While Financing products using the principle of Bai’ (Buy and Sell), Musyarakah (Equity Sharing), Mudharabah (Profit-Sharing), and Ijarah (Rent).
The idea of establishment initiated on MUI workshop entitled "Problems of Bank Interest" held in mid August 1990 in Cisarua, Bogor. Workshop participants agreed to assign the Economic Development Committee to build a bank which activities are based on Islamic set of guidelines. This decision was confirmed in the General Assembly of MUI in Jakarta, August 1990. The team is formed, which later became known as MUI Banking Team, chaired by Dr. H.M. Amin Aziz.
Matraman branch, Jakarta
1. Teller (Men):
- Islamic commitment, berakhlaq well and never break the law
- Education D3/S1 All Programs with GPA min 2.75 from 3.00 from the PTN and PTS (scale 4) Have the English skills both oral and written, and can operate computer min. MS Office
- Dressed, at least 170 cm high
- Physically and mentally healthy
- Age max 25 years old and not married
- Preferred experienced
- Highly motivated
- Has no family relationship with the employee and the Board of Directors of Bank Muamalat
2. Relationship Manager (RM) Funding (Men):
- Education S1 from any discipline
- GPA min. 2.75 from 3.00 from the PTN and PTS (scale 4)
- Age max. 30 years
- Having years of experience in the field of Marketing min.2
- Able to work independently and target oriented
- Have many relationships / networking broad
- Have the English proficiency of spoken and written
- Have good communication skills
- Dynamic, creative and innovative
- Has no family relationship with the employee and the Board of Directors of Bank Muamalat
Send a cover letter, CV and supporting documents to:
PT. Bank Muamalat Indonesia, Tbk
Ruko Mitra Matraman Blok A1 No. 1 - 2
Jl. Matraman Raya No. 148
Matraman, Jakarta Timur 13150
(Deadline for applications until July 13, 2012)